May Tong
Senior Designer
Product Design


Stay in touch with your friends with reminders, and arrange meetups around your busy schedule. Beacon shows nearby friends who are available for quick meetups.

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Product Design


Stay in touch with your friends with reminders, and arrange meetups around your busy schedule. Beacon shows nearby friends who are available for quick meetups.

Project Type
Bootcamp Capstone
Product Designer
8 Weeks
Project Overview

The "loneliness epidemic" wave

Goal & Impact
Help young adults engage and maintain their existing friendships in order to reduce loneliness. Therefore decreasing the percentage of loneliness experienced in young adults.
An app that helped young adults reach out and plan impromptu meetups with nearby friends that will fit their busy schedules.
Problem Space

Lack of friends in young adults.

Isolation and lack of connection are some of the main causes of loneliness. Social connections formed through friendships provide relief from loneliness. The decrease in friendships is a key indicator of why young adults feel more lonely.

In young adults age 18-27

reported having no close friends
reported having no friends at all

2020 Cigna study which surveyed 10,000 adults across the United States

Too shy & introverted to connect with others
Their hobbies/interests don’t facilitate friendships
Say that friendships are too much work
Say they are too busy for friendships

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Causes of Loneliness

Physical Isolation

Big life change (Moving, Death etc)

(shy, introverted, etc)

Symptom of psychological disorder

Negative Effects of Loneliness

Heart Problems

Decreased Memory


Poor decision making

Current Preventions

Activity Meetups

Build quality relationships

Strengthen Existing Relationships

Talk to someone

Understanding the problem

During the early stages of adulthood, young adults experience big life transitions (job, school, moving) impacting their connection with friends and family.


Helping millennials form quality friendships through shared interests and opportunities can decrease the percentage of loneliness in young adults.

Questionnaire & User Interviews

Talking to young adults and understanding their experiences.

To confirm my assumptions, I decided to gather primary research by collecting quantitative and qualitative data. I used a questionnaire to narrow my scope on the general preventions and causes of loneliness.

Afterwards, 5 user interviews were conducted to gather in-depth contextual information about young adults’ experiences with loneliness. Due to the range of factors that contribute to the feeling of loneliness, the qualitative data will provide a solution that tackles the most prevalent cause.

Participant Criteria

Young adults age 18-30
The age group most impacted by loneliness
Lives in North America
Secondary research based on stats and research only in North America
No major health or psychological disorders
Depression & other health factors can contribute to the feelings of loneliness
Synthesized Insights

Old friends are better than new ones.

Contrary to my assumption, many of these young adults preferred to spend time with their close friends rather than make new ones. 


Use technology and hobbies to prevent loneliness and to keep in touch with others.


• Talk to friends and family to avoid loneliness
• Goes to the gym and being active
• Use social media to connect with friends
• Meet friends less often
• Plays & listens to music


Users want to form in-person relationships and experience new hobbies.


• Reaches out to people when lonely
• Meet new people at work
• To go on more walks
• Try to hang with friends more
• Wants to be more social
• Seek out new experiences

Pain Points

Due to busy life changes, it is hard to coordinate with existing friends and form new quality connections.


• Lacks social interactions & initiative
• Difficult to make time for friends
• Feels left out of friend group
• Can’t tell if new connections will click
• Socially awkward
• Feels tired and unhappy due to loneliness

Insights to Persona

I created a persona that encompasses the new findings based on the behaviours, motivations, and pain points from my research and interviews. Millennials’ busy lives made it difficult to coordinate meetups with existing friends.

Experience Mapping

Improving current experiences.

The current experience of coordinating hangouts can be a time-consuming and difficult task; especially in larger groups. Deciding the details of a meetup (time, location, activity) were the main areas where experience can be improved.

Reassessing my HMW

How might we maintain the existing friendships of young adults so that they experience fewer moments of loneliness?

User Stories & Epics

Determining app features

24 user stories -> 5 Epics -> Chosen Core epic -> 10 user stories

Planning meetups is not a linear process. Location, time, people and other factors can influence the plan. Due to the time limitations of this project it was important to choose the crucial features. These 5 epics were synthesized forming the features this app will contain in order to meet the user’s needs. 



Plan and coordinate times between friends


Set specific reminders to meet up and reach out to friends

Relationship Building

Share and nuture similar hobbies or interests between friends

Proximity & Location

Find nearby friends for impromptu meetups


Message and talk to friends to stay in touch

Chosen Epic

Proximity & Scheduling

Plans change, the final epic combined user stories from both proximity and scheduling to fulfill the features needed for users to have the flexibility to reach out to friends according to their busy schedules. I chose this epic to address my persona’s frustration with fewer hangouts with their friends.

From a list of 10 user stories, the ones with a checkmark were incorporated into the main task flow. Some other features were incorporated into the final design as buttons to showcase additional features of the app.

As a user I want to...

Main Task Flow

Combining business and user needs.

After considering user needs, I compared existing products in the market to explore areas of opportunity. I wanted to explore a feature not seen in other friendship-maintaining apps to create a competitive edge in the market. Rather than create a scheduling app for friends, I wanted to focus on meet-ups that could be held quickly and conveniently.

As a busy adult, I want to see if there are nearby friends for spontaneous meet-ups

From sketches to wireframing.

I created a series of sketches taking inspiration from similar patterns before deciding on the final sketch below and creating a mid-fi prototype. 

Main Screens Breakdown

Version 1 - User Flow

User Testing

Improving experience through real user feedback.

I went through 2 rounds of user testing with 5 participants each. Each tester provided me with feedback on the existing functions, overall design, experience and ability to accomplish each task.

Key changes

Clarifying button function

V1-V2: ‘Nearby friends’ button is hidden under the plus button. - It was hard for users to navigate and identify based solely on the icon.

V2-V3: Changed the 'notifications' label to 'reminders'

Didn't know there are more buttons in the floating action button.
Tester 3
I can't tell what the icons mean.
Tester 5
Key changes

Understanding user's needs

The invitation process was too complicated and took too long for the user. I simplified the process by designing quick prompts and taking the thinking out.

If I plan a meet up in more than 2 hours, it's a planned hangout.
Tester 1

Creating the mood with a brand identity.

I wanted to create a brand that exuded a bright, happy, and open feel. Yellow is the colour of many friendship symbols such as the rose, topaz stone, and Claddagh ring. In keeping with the friendly theme, the rounded San Serif font echoed the approachable feel of the app.

Beacon in the market.

The primary colour worked well not to overlap with other existing apps in the market. 

App Solution


Incorporating all the design elements, I created a final prototype using my completed UI library. I ensured the app followed WCAG AAA compliance for contrast and legibility.

Smart watch

Expanding to other platforms

Explored additional platforms that can aid in the app's feature. Integration with smart watch to create an easier way to notify users of nearby friends and meetups.

The smart watch would vibrate when friends in the set radius are nearby allowing for quick contact.

Marketing Web Design

Promoting the app.

Treating this app as a real product, a responsive marketing page was created. Highlighting features of the app helped users get a better picture of how it worked and its purpose.

Key Learnings

A research driven solution.

Through this project, I learned there were constantly new insights that I discovered throughout each step of the process. It's important to iterate while taking in new information without fearing even some big pivots.

I started with an open and broad topic and let my research drive design decisions. My end solution of a friendship maintaining app would not be my first thought as a deterrent to loneliness. The research process can lead to new found solutions.

Design Impact

Project reflection and future improvements.

To explore the impact of my product, I utilized the Tarot Cards of Tech. Like most products, once it has been launched it will be up to the users to determine how the product is used.

The Big Bad Wolf Card

How could my product be used maliciously?
The greatest weakness if a malicious user were to use my app would be to track my users through the nearby friends feature. There is a layer of protection provided when I designed the map to only show an approximate location.

A collection of provocations designed to help creators consider the impact of technology.